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Category: Cimarron Uruguayo Blog

Cimarron Uruguayo Blog

Cimarron Uruguayo Blog - Cerberus Illusion - Best Cimarron Uruguayo Kennel In Europe
Cimarron Uruguayo Blog – Cerberus Illusion

You can find information about Cimarron Uruguayo as breed. The FCI Standard is also available. I can also show you plenty of videos about Cimarron Uruguayo. But as soon as you would like to know more about the character or working potential of these dogs, you will struggle with the lack of information. That is the reason, why I started this Cimarron Uruguayo Blog.
I am the owner of Cerberus Illusion – the Best Cimarron Uruguayo Kennel In Europe. In fact, this is also the biggest kennel in the EU with eight adults the Best Cimarron Uruguayo dogs currently present. You can read short about my dogs. But if you would like to meet each them one by one, feel free to read this blog.

I am working with each my cimarron. They are all trained in obedience because I believe that an obedient dog is your best friend and companion. All of them guard our property. Some of them are trained also in tracking, fetching and/or protection.

I trained my first two females (sisters) since the age of 8 weeks according to IPO (tracking, obedience, and protection). I wanted to find out the ability and potential of the breed. This helped me to find out, which kind of training is the best for Cimarron Uruguayo. As well as, when they will be eager to work under any conditions. The answer is really simple. You should use only positive reinforcement when you train a cimarron. At the same time, you must have an excellent relationship with your dog. These two factors are the keys of success.

Articles already posted:

TOP šteniatko Uruguajského Cimarrona na predaj

TOP šteniatko Uruguajského Cimarrona na predaj

Hľadáme tú najlepšiu rodinu pre výnimočné šteniatko Uruguajského Cimarrona. Voľný je prvovýberový psík na výstavy a chov, avšak na výstavách ani chove netrváme. V prvom rade chceme, aby sa toto jedinečné šteniatko mohlo už tieto Vianoce hrať so svojou novou rodinou, ktorej daruje celé svoje srdce a všetku lásku. Výber mena Psík sa volá JUNKAI – unikátne meno pre unikátne šteniatko. Toto meno má čínsky pôvod a skladá sa z dvoch slov – JUN – princ, vládca a KAI –…

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TOP šteniatko Uruguajského Cimarrona na predaj – vplyv osudu

TOP šteniatko Uruguajského Cimarrona na predaj – vplyv osudu

Ako chovateľka som mala možnosť sledovať životný príbeh mnohých našich šteniatok. Každé šteniatko Uruguajského Cimarrona na predaj vyberám pre jeho budúcu rodinu ja sama, keďže svoje šteniatka poznám najlepšie. Som s nimi 24 hodín denne, 7 dní v týždni, spím vedľa nich a sledujem ich vývin od prvého momentu. Som tá, ktorá vidí ich prvé krôčiky, prvé štekanie, hryzenie, hranie a tiež to najdôležitejšie – ich charakter. Každé šteniatko v každom vrhu je JEDINEČNÉ s vlastnou osobnosťou a tí, ktorí…

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TOP Uruguayan Cimarron puppy for sale – influence of destiny

TOP Uruguayan Cimarron puppy for sale – influence of destiny

As a breeder I had the opportunity to watch the life story of many our puppies. Each Cimarron puppy for sale is selected for its future family by myself, as I know the puppies the best. I am 24/7 with them, I sleep next to them and follow their raising since the first moment. I am the one, who can see their first steps, first barking, biting, playing and also the most important – reveal their character. Each puppy in…

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The first “stolen” Cimarron Uruguayo puppy from Cerberus Illusion

The first “stolen” Cimarron Uruguayo puppy from Cerberus Illusion

Harry Potter and his story – Part 2 Harry Potter was not yet 3 months old when I got a message from his owner that he was stolen. This is a nightmare of anybody who loves a puppy. At the same time he was the first stolen Cimarron Uruguayo probably in the whole Europe. She told me that he was stolen from her own garden. She called the police and reported that somebody had stolen her Cimarron Uruguayo puppy. According…

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Saved Uruguayan Cimarron for sale

Saved Uruguayan Cimarron for sale

Harry Potter and his story – Part 1 “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke More than a month passed since I got a message via Messenger from an unknown person with a strange question: “Do you check future owners of your puppies?” Of course, I do! There are still more people who did not get any puppy from my kennel than those, who belong to the lucky owners…

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TOP Uruguayan Cimarron for sale

TOP Uruguayan Cimarron for sale

TOP Uruguayan Cimarron for sale from the best Uruguayan Cimarron kennel in Europe (rating 2018-2021). HADES Cerberus Illusion is a beautiful 4-month-old puppy with a wonderful open nature, who is extremely fond of people, likes to make friends and stays close to his master to fulfill his wishes all the time. He has had good basic socialization both inside and outside and has acquired basic hygiene habits (he poos at the same place outside). Hades is an extremely positive puppy,…

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TOP Uruguajský Cimarron na predaj

TOP Uruguajský Cimarron na predaj

TOP Uruguajský Cimarron na predaj z najlepšej chovateľskej stanice Uruguajských Cimarronov v Európe (hodnotenie 2018-2021). HADES Cerberus Illusion je nádherný 4-mesačný psík s úžasnou otvorenou povahou, ktorý má nesmierne rád ľudí, rád sa kamaráti a od svojho pána sa nehne ani na krok, aby mohol kedykoľvek plniť jeho priania. Má za sebou kvalitnú základnú socializáciu vo vnútri aj vonku a osvojené základné hygienické návyky (aj vonku chodí vykonávať svoju potrebu na totožné miesto). Hades je nesmierne pozitívne naladené šteniatko, odvážne…

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Pracovný Uruguajský Cimarron na predaj

Pracovný Uruguajský Cimarron na predaj

FATIMA Cerberus Illusion je 4-mesačný pracovný Uruguajský Cimarron na predaj. Táto nádherná sučka s úžasnou povahou má za sebou kvalitný základný výcvik. Fatima je veľmi veselé, odvážne a hravé šteniatko, pripravené sa kedykoľvek maznať a pusinkovať. Má rada akúkoľvek aktivitu so svojím majiteľom, rada sa hrá, prechádza po meste, zbožňuje výcvik a s ostatnými psíkmi vychádza skvele. Povahu podedila po svojom starom otcovi – Anakinovi, ktorý je ten najlepší spoločník, akého si človek môže priať. Každému, kto miluje psy prajem,…

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Working Cimarron Uruguayo puppy for sale

Working Cimarron Uruguayo puppy for sale

FATIMA Cerberus Illusion is a 4 months old working Cimarron Uruguayo puppy for sale. This cute little girl is a beautiful pre-trained puppy with extraordinary loving character. Fatima is a very lucky, brave and playful puppy, ready to cuddle and kiss you anytime. She enjoys any activity with her owner, she loves playing, walking in the town, training and behaves very nice with other dogs. Fatima inherited her wonderful character from her grandfather – Anakin, who is the best companion…

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Cimarron Uruguayo puppy for sale

Cimarron Uruguayo puppy for sale

FREYA Cerberus Illusion is a 10 weeks old Cimarron Uruguayo puppy for sale. This cute little girl is a show & work prospect female puppy with beautiful head, correct anatomy, wonderful movement and correct bite! She is suitable not only for show or as a wonderful family member, but also for working purposes and dog sports. She has already started basic obedience training, tracking and she is also suitable for protection training! The character of Freya is just wonderful. She…

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Cimarron Uruguayo puppy for sale

Cimarron Uruguayo puppy for sale

ENEKIN Cerberus Illusion is a 12 weeks old Cimarron Uruguayo puppy for sale. He has great show and working potential, but at the same time he will be an extraordinary companion as well. He is looking for his BEST new home. Enekin is really a special puppy, who will become a ONE IN A LIFETIME DOG for his owner. He is suitable also into a family with other dogs and/or small children. The Cimarron Uruguayo puppy for sale is lucky,…

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Uruguayský Cimarron a pracovní schopnosti

Uruguayský Cimarron a pracovní schopnosti

Uruguayský Cimarron je velice inteligentní pes. Díky své minulosti má všestranné pracovní schopnosti. Je to výborný hlídač, lovec, rodinný pes a ten nejvěrnější společník. Nejlíp se cítí se svým pánem, pro kterého udělá doslova cokoliv. Již jako štěně se usiluje o to, aby porozuměl všemu, co jeho pán říká. Je to pes jednoho pána, se kterým si vytvoří velice silné pouto. Vnímá náladu, pocity svého pána a doslova mu čte myšlenky. Současné použití V současnosti se Uruguayský Cimarron používá na…

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Uruguayský Cimarron a vliv minulosti

Uruguayský Cimarron a vliv minulosti

Uruguayský Cimarron byl do dnešní podoby formován drsnou přírodou. Přežili jen ti nejinteligentnější, nejsilnější a nejzdatnější jedinci. Vliv minulosti na charakter a jedinečné schopnosti Cimarronů pozorujeme u některých jedinců dodnes. Instinkt na přežití Vliv minulosti souvisí u Cimarronů se silně vyvinutým instinktem na přežití. Ten je dodnes zachován u některých krevních linií resp. jedinců. V létě si ve stínu intuitivně vyhrabou v zemi jámu, aby si do ní lehli a ochladili se. Svůj pach před predátory se snaží ukrýt tím,…

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Uruguayský Cimarron a nemilosrdná historie

Uruguayský Cimarron a nemilosrdná historie

Historie Uruguayských Cimarronů je moc smutná a nemilosrdná. Osud se s předky těchto psů vůbec nemazlil. Nejdřív je kolonizátoři využili k eliminaci domácího obyvatelstva. Pak, když již nebyli potřební, pustili je do volné přírody. Jejich majitelé se vrátili do Evropy, do svých domovů. Psi zůstali na území dnešního Uruguaye sami a opuštění. Byli ponecháni napospas osudu. Záleželo na schopnostech každého jednoho jedince, zda se naučí opatřit si potravu, vodu či úkryt. To, že se naučí fungovat jako smečka a ohrožovat…

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Uruguayský Cimarron – to nejúžasnejší plemeno

Uruguayský Cimarron – to nejúžasnejší plemeno

Uruguayský Cimarron je velice inteligentní všestranné pracovní plemeno, výborný hlídač, rodinný pes a ten nejvěrnější společník. Charakterizuje ho absolutná loajalita vůči své rodině a pánovi. Chrání je i za cenu svého vlastního života. Cimarron je stínem svého pána, na kterého vzhlíží doslova jako na Boha. Je vždy poblíž čekajíc, kdy bude jeho pán něco od něj chtít, nebo kdy ho pohladí. Cimarron člověka neustále rozesmívá a hledá způsob, jak svému pánovi zpříjemnit den. Je zdrojem permanentní radosti a pozitivní nálady….

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Respect in Cimarron Uruguayo family

Respect in Cimarron Uruguayo family

Respect of puppies with older dogs If you have at home a big Cimarron Uruguayo family of 9 dogs from 3 generations, you can learn so much about this wonderful breed. You can notice that the puppies respect the older dogs since the first moment regardless how big alpha puppies they are. They can be bandits within the given litter. They can behave cheeky to their own mother or being the big boss in the litter. But when they meet…

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Puppy choice – there can be only one

Puppy choice – there can be only one

A long time has passed since I wrote the story of my destiny puppy. The puppy choice in D litter was not so easy for me. There were 8 beautiful puppies with wonderful character. But there was one, who wanted to be with me since the first moment, he preferred watching me working to playing with his siblings and he came to me instead of his mother. I named him Duncan (the meaning of the name is “dark warrior”). The…

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My destiny puppy

My destiny puppy

Years ago, I only wanted a male for Connie and Cora, but instead, I offered home also to Maura, who grew up with the chosen male. I cannot thank enough to the destiny, previous owner and the breeder of Maura so as she got to me. Sometimes strange things happen and we do not know why. Today I know, why it had to be like that. Thanks to this I have now my destiny puppy at home. Breeding Breeding should…

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Uruguajský Cimarron na predaj

Uruguajský Cimarron na predaj

Conan Cerberus Illusion je takmer dvojročný psík s úžasnou milujúcou povahou, ktorý hľadá svoju novú rodinu. Jeho usmievavá papuľka je odzbrojujúca. Je u mňa približne mesiac a už je ako môj tieň. Miluje hladkanie a je nesmierne rád vedľa svojho pána. Svojho pána zavalí neskutočnou láskou a oddanosťou. Ako správny cimarron, neustále sleduje svojho majiteľa, či od neho niečo nechce. Pokiaľ človek pracuje, zbytočne nezdržuje, ale ak zistí, že je čas na prestávku, tak sa človeku doslova “vterkne” do lona…

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Conan Cerberus Illusion – our first day. Part 2

Conan Cerberus Illusion – our first day. Part 2

After the deep sadness during our first hours, finally, Conan found out that he is in the best hands. He was returned to a person who could understand him. He was surprised I can understand him even without barking. When he wanted anything, I knew what it is. If he wanted out, I let him go out. If he wanted to be petted, I cuddled him. As soon as he was thirsty I gave him water. When he got hungry,…

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