Cora is one of the first two females in Cerberus Illusion. She is the dog who got to me due to instant decision (ok, it is for a long story). She came home with me together with her sister Connie who was chosen for me by her breeder. In fact, Cora stole my hearth since the first moment. She was the dog, who made me fall in love with Cimarrons.
Sister puppies

When I started to play with Connie and Cora, Cora ran immediately for the toy to take it back to me. She was fetching very good without training. Connie was watching her. Then, when Cora wanted to take back the toy to me for the third time – Connie ran after her and was shaking her head: “Do not take it back to her. You should not co-operate with a human!” But Cora grabbed the toy and took it back to me.

Next time, when I threw the toy away, Cora again started running for it, grabbed it and when she was on her way back to me, Connie caught her tail to hold her sister back. “Do not take it back to that human!” Cora got to me again with her sister hanging on her tail… Later I was told by Uruguayan breeders that Cimarrons are not fetching at all, so I should not expect anything like this from my dogs. (Below is a video with son of Cora so you can see what kind of dogs a working dog can produce.)
Training of sisters
Later we started obedience training together. Cora was working with me fulfilling all my wishes. Connie – the typical non-working Cimarron was observing us from distance. She was just biting some branches – showing us that she has something much more interesting than our training. I let her be, ignoring her. If I would had taken home only Connie, I would never have any working Cimarron at home. This way I would like to thank to their breeder (who finished breeding) that I could take home Cora. I will never forget that my first BEST Cimarron was Cora.

Cora and me were training together several times each day for a couple of minutes. After a couple of weeks we were training. Cora was working like a born working dog. I had been mesmerized by her talent. After a while I rewarded her by treats as well as words: “Cora, you are such a clever girl, you are just a genius – a real robot… I cannot believe you work so nice!”

Jealousy used at training
Connie looked at us, jumped up, threw away the branch which she had been biting and came directly next to my left leg and sat down – into heel position. She tried to tell: “Fine, I am clever as well and I know everything my sister knows!” THEN and only THEN both girls started doing obedience together…

A bit later we started tracking training and training for future police dogs. Connie later gave me extraordinary litter with dogs suitable for work and the best protection dog – ANAKIN Cerberus Illusion. Later her sister gave me a litter which was as special as their mother. Three puppies from the same litter were kept at home due to their special character and working potential. They are Beowulf, Beulah and Belona.
Trained in: obedience, tracking, fetching and protection.
Show results
Hungarian Junior Champion
Hungarian Show Champion
2x OMEK Grand Prix Winner 2015
Derby Winner 2015
Best Derby Winner 2015
Hungarian Molosser Club Winner 2016
Grand Prix Winner 2016
3x HPJ, 3x Junior BOB, 8xC AC, 3x CACIB, 8x BOB, 3x BOS
Health results
HD A/A, ED 0/0, spine – excellent
Mother of the following litters
B litter with TINU De Aqueronte
H litter with DUNCAN Cerberus Illusion
BEOWULF Cerbeus Illusion – stayed at home
BELONA Cerbeus Illusion – stayed at home
BEULAH Cerbeus Illusion – stayed at home
HESTIA Cerbeus Illusion – stayed at home
JWW SRB CH SK JCH Garra Charrua De Los Nogales (breeder: Luis Alfonso Meny)
JWW HCH L CH SRB CH SK JCH Las Raices Yeruti (breeder: Gonzalo Ferreira)